It is utmost welcome to hear the long waited “ANNOUNCEMENT” of
abolishing the Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) by the PM not many hours ago,
particularly during the eve of Malaysia Day. Surely with that announcement,
many believe that ISA has been ABOLISHED or REPEALED.
My friend asked me what my view is. I told her it is mere
“ANNOUNCEMENT”. The PM did not say when the effective date is. Of course he
would not be able to say so. As I view it, the ISA is still currently remaining
in force and has not been ABOLISHED or REPEALED. Mere “ANNOUNCEMENT” does not
repeal or abolish an act of Parliament. The ANNOUNCEMENT ought to be viewed
with utmost caution and ought not to be viewed as repealing the ISA. At best it
is mere an INTENTION to repeal the ISA.
Any act of Parliament like the ISA, it has to go through the proper and
legally binding process to actually repealed or abolished. The process to
repeal any act of Parliament, as I understand it, is akin to its “creation”.
There has to be a Bill being drafted and passed through the process of
Parliament to actually repeal or abolish the ISA. ISA does not repeal by mere
announcement or correspondences. I am not aware of such act being drafted, what
more passed through the process of Parliament to repeal the ISA. As I said
earlier, the process to repeal the ISA is akin to its “creation”. The process
of Parliament is this.
In Malaysia, there are the lower house known as Dewan Rakyat or
House of Representatives and the upper house known as Dewan Negara or
Senate. The Parliament will exercise its power to make laws by passing of Bills
in both houses. A Bill may originate in either of the House. However, there is
one exception. Subject to Article 67 of the Federal Constitution,
the "Money Bill" must originate in the House of Representatives and
can only be introduced by a minister.
The House, which a Bill is originated shall send it to the other House
once the Bill has been passed. After the other House passed the Bill, it must
be presented to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for His Royal Highness' assent
pursuant to Article 66(3) of the Federal Constitution.
A Bill goes through several stages of "Reading" in both
the Houses. At the 1st Reading stage, only the long title will be read. This is
a formality when the Bill is first introduced to the House. The most
important stage is 2nd Reading. The contents of the Bill are debated
at length and discussed by all members of the House. After that Bill
goes through a Committee stage; normally the Committee of the whole House as
opposed to special select committees. Special technical details of the Bill may
be discussed at this stage. Finally, the Bill is returned to the House for its
3rd Reading. This is again a mere formality.
Pursuant to Article 66(4) of the Federal Constitution,
the Yang di-Pertuan Agong must assent to the Bill by causing the Public Seal to
be affixed thereto. This must be done within 30 days from
the date a Bill is being presented to His Royal Highness. The Bill
will become law at the expiration of the 30 days period specified in
the like manner as if His Royal Highness had assented thereto, should
His Royal Highness, for whatever reason, fails to give assent to the Bill
within the specified period.
A Bill assented by His Royal Highness shall become Law.
However, no laws shall come into force until it has been gazetted or
published pursuant to Article 66(5) of the Federal Constitution.
That being the process, there must be a Bill to repeal the ISA
originated from either of the House and thereafter going through the above
process of Parliament. Once such Bill passed through all the above process of
Parliament, it will become an act or law of Parliament having the full force
and effect of repealing the ISA. Only then we can safely say that the ISA has
Having said that and as the matter stands, the ISA is still currently
remain in full force.